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a new ability to decipher techno codes, or techno-imagination

White Magazine



2019年に開催された「White Magazine」展で発表されたノートブック。A5サイズで、カレンダー付き。1日1ページ、中央に番号付きで、各月ごとに日数分のページが割り当てられています。購入した月の翌月分のノートが届きます。(例:1月に購入した場合、2月分のノートが届きます。)

The notebook was presented at the "White Magazine" exhibition held in 2019. It is A5 size and comes with a calendar. Each page is dedicated to one day with a number in the center, and the pages are allocated based on the number of days in each month. The notebook for the following month will be delivered after purchasing. (For example, if purchased in January, the February notebook will be delivered.)



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